
The Role of Digital Marketers in the Industry

Digital marketing means different things to different people, but generally, it encompasses a wider variety of things, among which are developing marketing strategies, site management, campaign curation, analytics, social visibility, SEO and SEM, brand promotion, content development, education, product review and development.

Digital marketers need to be on top of their game, becoming almost like a miracle worker who know all things and make all things possible. This is so because for a customer who has invested heavily on a marketing campaign, he needs every possible reassurance from the digital marketer that the campaign will produce the desired result both penetration and RIO.

Developing Marketing Strategies

The most important role of digital marketers and the foundation upon which the industry revolve is the ability to developing effective marketing strategies, which contains well-thought-out plans and policies that provides all the necessary guidelines needed to create visibility for the product or brand as well as increase return on investment (RIO). The need for the digital marketing professional to acquire the relevant skill-sets to perform this function cannot be over-emphasized. 

Website Management

Website management does not referring only to websites, it includes social media sites, and as a digital marketer, possessing the able to manage client’s sites, whether social media, blog or website, gives the digital marketer an advantage. Managing a website allows full access to the customer’s site c-panel, which then creates the opportunity to update the site regularly without having to relate with web developer and IT team members of the various companies.

Website management services most often resides with web designers and developers or management by an IT team within the organization. It creates more benefit for the digital marketer if this function comes under their portfolio thereby increasing the profile of the digital marketer.

Campaign Curation

In digital marketing, content is king. Content forms an integral and very important aspect of digital marketing. Content is crucial for social media managers, just the way it is for curators and digital marketers. Curating appealing content is the backbone of any digital marketing campaign and it determines how much engagement and leads a site receives, which converts to higher returns subsequently.

In order to curate appealing visual content, a good concept development, graphics design and video editing skills becomes an essential dynamics for the digital marketer, and that is because it provides much flexibility and creates the ability to conceptualize campaigns, curate illustration and produce video contents for the client’s sites.


Analytics is the soul of digital marketing because it brings to life all the little details about site visits, social engagement, age, sex and location of the audience, as well as the performance of adverts, campaigns or other curations. Analytics help to pull together all the different performance indices in a single dashboard known as big data today, which provides all the relevant information the digital marketer require for market and product evaluation, follow market trends and take critical marketing decisions. 

Social Visibility and SEO

Social media receives more attention because it is the most popular digital marketing channel, and it is equally an ideal tool for search engine optimization. The popularity that social media enjoys has led many to confuse social media marketing for digital marketing. Social media is only a part of digital marketing that contains other channels such as content marketing, affiliate marketing, email marketing, influencer marketing, mobile marketing etc.

Brand promotion

The core of digital marketing is brand promotion. The whole idea of marketing on the Internet is to reach a wide global audience. Both individuals and companies have used the Internet to promote their products and services, and the digital marketer is at the forefront of this exploit, providing the relevant expertise to support to brand owners and at the same time propagating growth in the industry.

Content Development

A good digital marketer should be able to help website owners develop appropriate and engaging content for their sites. The entire digital marketing effort, notwithstanding the amount of investment sank into it, will turn out to be a flop if the destination site does not have good content with fresh, accurate and adequate information about the brand.

Another crucial point is that how long visitors remain on a site depends largely on how engaging the contents are. Sites with scanty and poor content have very low retention rates, which consequently result in abysmal performance and disappointing sales figures.


The digital marketing industry clearly boast of some of the leading bloggers and high revenue earners on the Internet, providing educational materials on various aspects of digital marketing online. Any digital marketer, who is serious and wants to gain relevance and become prominent, must indulge in writing articles constantly to educate the public or provide training in form of webinars, video or classroom sessions.

Product Review and Development
Digital marketers conduct lots of research, and as a result they are disposed to crucial industry information, which they could share and use to better the industry by writing reviews and spotting areas of weakness, suggesting improvements in whatever subject they choose to pay attention to, which may be a product, service or software.

Being a digital marketer, what I enjoy the most is writing product reviews, because it has earned me the greater satisfaction this year. Two of my reviews have contributed to significant improvements on the Internet. LinkedIn and WhatsApp, which are two of the world leading social media platforms, have made critical improvement on their sites because of reviews I wrote about them.
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