
Fast Tracking Lead Generation Through Twitter

Social media is the leading way people access the Internet. Those within the ages of 25 – 34 make up 96% of people who access the Internet globally, and they make up the active social media user population. Total social media penetration rate is 2.34 billion users, which is about 37% of the world population. These figures are extremely valuable, as they let us have clear understanding and appreciate the importance of social media.

The effectiveness of social media has been demonstrated in many instance in politics in recent time. Social media took a wild twist with the successful use of Facebook by Obama during his campaign in the presidential election, he had over 45 million Facebook followers. That was further buttressed by Donald Trump’s extensive use of Twitter which is largely responsible for his success during the election. Trump had over 30 million Twitter followers.

The world’s leading social media site, Facebook, now has 2 billion users, while YouTube is in second place with 1.5 billion users. WhatsApp and Facebook messenger both have 1.2 billion each, tying in third place. Both WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger also belong to Facebook, which further strengthens Facebook's dominant position in the social media industry.

Twitter is in distant tenth position with 328 million users, but remains one of the favourite social media sites for digital marketers. Twitter’s short messaging format makes it lighter and fast to upload or share. It is the second most used platform by digital marketers, because it allows the user embed links in short messages and provide photograph and illustration and video options.

Twitter provides features that allows users to view the analytics of each post by clicking the analytics icon at the lower right of the post. Because of its light short messaging format and easy analytics viewing options, Twitter enjoys the highest pageviews among the top rated social media sites. With additional efforts on the part of the users, these features can be further enhanced to boost the number of engagement and leads to your websites.

The crowd factor works effectively on Twitter as well. People tend to aggravate towards post with higher number of engagements. It is possible to stimulate increased engagement on your tweets using other private Twitter accounts to retweet, reply and like post from your business account. This is more effective because the engagement is consolidated and that increases the numbers on your analytics. On the other hand, if you retweet a post on several accounts, the engagement is shared among the different accounts.

How do you achieve this? One way to accomplish multiple retweets is by using private accounts to retweet your business tweets. You can also persuade your friends to retweet your post when your tweet is seen by the public as having several retweets, it automatically creates an impression that the tweet is trending, which makes people want to be part of it.

This strategy works even better if you promote your tweet using Twitter Ad. This is so because the spiraling effect covers a wider audience and the result increases astronomically. Another way you can increase engagement is to automate the sharing of your tweets with your other social media accounts through the setting option. 

By doing this, the followers and connections in your other accounts, such as Facebook or LinkedIn, also views your post simultaneously, and that adds to the total engagement of your Twitter analytics. This method, though manual, produces impressive results. If you want to achieve maximum impact, the best thing is to introduce multi-channel advertisement on selected social media sites.

Twitter is among the world’s best social media sites, attracting one of the largest concentration of users who are celebrities, most of which are males between the ages of 18 and 29 years old. It is also used extensively by high ranking government officials to engage the public.
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