
Relevance of Target Audience in Digital Marketing

Digital marketing strives on numbers, such as total number of engagement - views, clicks, share, likes, comments and conversion. If your digital marketing strategy is not such that targets its campaigns at a specific audience, it simply shows that your marketing strategy is faulty from the unset, and that is a clear reason for such a campaign not to achieve the maximum number of engagement required to produced high conversion rate.

The success of a digital marketing campaign depends ultimately on the target audience, that is why the customer is the king. They are the essence of brand promotion and the main objective is to reach a large target audience, with the expectation that the campaign will drive traffic to the site and that will result in high conversion. Your target audience is a particular set of people or market segment that are interested in your kind of product or services. 

Having the knowledge of who to target and where to find them helps tremendously, to increase the performance of your digital marketing campaign. The effectiveness of any marketing campaign increases when your concentration is on a niche market, or you are focused on a specific target audience. For example, marketing a game product will require focusing on young and adolescent age bracket. Targeting the adult audience will be a grace mistake and waste of resources.

Many digital marketing campaigns fail simply because of a lack of focus. Not knowing who your potential customers are and where to find them, significantly reduces the chances of running a successful campaign. The customer is the pivot around which the wheel of business revolves and digital marketing is the tool that helps you reach your audience. In that regard, it is important to understand that the customer must remains the focal point during the formulation of your digital marketing strategy. The more focused and concentrated your campaign is, the better results you will achieve.

It is the role of the social media manager or the digital marketer to ensure that the adverts, promotions or campaigns reaches the right audience. Therefore, one of the criteria of choosing a location for your campaign is to trim down your audience and zero in on your key market. Pruning down the size, ensures that your campaign focuses on a smaller group of potential customers with high rate of conversion.

Let me try to illustrate by using a scenario whereby you throw a handful of grains in the forest. It will attract fewer birds and at a much longer time for the grains to finish. On the other hand, if you repeat the same action, but this time, under a tree full of birds, the result will be dramatically different, because the birds will quickly find the grains and eat them up at a much faster rate. Targeting a smaller audience yields more leads and increases the conversion rate.

Almost all the popular social media channels have options that allow users to specify their target audience by location, age, classification and niche market, and by that way your marketing campaign can achieve a greater impact when it targets a specific smaller audience. Targeted multi-channel marketing can yield tremendous results, particularly if your marketing strategy includes the right marketing mix.

When eventually, you decide to run a marketing campaign or promotion using any of the top social media channels, such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, you are expected to scale down your target audience by emphasizing specific marketing criteria that you know by analyzing data from your previous campaigns as well as case studies of the performance of other organizations, which may likely to yield high ROI.

This makes me arrive at the conclusion that analytics play a crucial role in business decisions, particularly regarding measuring the performance of adverts. Analyzing marketing campaigns produces the essential data with clear indications about key market indices such as the demography of engagements, views, product with the highest conversion and the most visit by geographical location, age or niche market.

You can also read more about target audience in one of my previous articles titled, “Multi-Channel Content Marketing and Reasons for Failure,” in which I enumerated the various aspects of digital marketing, channels, challenges and some of the software digital marketers can use for the management of their marketing campaigns. I mentioned how the software can also help them in analyzing data collated from various channels used during the marketing campaign in one single dashboard.

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